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Category «Sports»

Nine Ways of How Technology Boosts Esports


Esports is exciting like the NFL matchups. It is dominated by rivalries, spectacular plays, and storylines. Despite the many differences between games, esports competitions are united in one thing: technology. Technology has provided a platform for gamers all over the world to connect and compete in a variety of ways. Here are ways how tech …

The Ways That Tech Can Improve The Sport Life


Sports are all about competition, and technology is here to help. From tracking your training to sharing results with friends, tech can improve your performance in sports. Even more, tech can assist you to get Bundesliga picks faster. Sports have always been an essential part of human life, and we all know the feeling of …

How Technology Is Changing Sports Training


Technology is revolutionizing every aspect of our daily lives from how we’re able to access the latest NFL odds to the number of people we can connect to across various parts of the world. In previous years, sports training needed extensive post-practice and paperwork from both the athlete and trainer so performance could be recorded. …

How Technology is Revolutionizing eSports


The eSports industry has grown dramatically during the last several years compared to its early years. Although it’s simple to assume that eSports culture is comparable to that of conventional sports, the reality is that it has developed into a distinct community and economy. Furthermore, technology advancements have only increased eSports’ popularity since eSports sit …