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iFUN APP: Let AI Turn Your Free Time into Fun Time

We all need a break from routine life to feel happy and relaxed. But finding time to hang out with friends and colleagues isn’t an easy thing; you need to be on the lookout for the right opportunity to get together with friends, family and colleagues. But with iFUN APP, you can easily stay connected with your family and friends in the real-life, not just digitally. Advertised with the following phrase ‘’All-in-one APP for Calendar+Event+Chat+Payment, partner with Eventbrite & Ticketmaster & NYU Startup School’’, the iFun App has everything to turn your idle time into a real fun time. Hanging out with your friends and colleagues has never been easier!


The iFUN APP project is currently seeking funding on Kickstarter to make it available for everyone in the world. It’s expected to be available to the public in June 2019. If you’re interested in this project, be sure to back iFUN APP project.

It’s a complete package designed with modern day needs in mind to provide people with an ultimate fun app that takes care of everything, from searching events around you to throwing a part to get together with old friends. Here’s what the iFUN APP team says about its app:


‘’AI IT NY, Inc. is an NYC based tech company, focusing on developing tech to better human life. We created iFUN APP, using AI tech to help you better coordinate with your friends to auto-fill up free time with FUN time! We have already partnered with Eventbrite, Ticketmaster, and others to help bring you a truly innovative app that will bring you and your friends, new experiences that you can share together.’’

How you look at this app? Please feel free offer your thoughts in the comment box below.