Social Networking, Communicate, Connect, Socialize
Welcome to the future of Social Networking! Take a moment and imagine all the top Social Networks and visualize how they look, and function. Now imagine all the top Search Engines and how they connect us to products and product to us. Combine the Social Networks & Search engines and you will understand one of the many key ingredients of IMYPATH.
This rapidly evolving Social Network grows as more and more users join and engage our many unique features. By design this causes the network to essentially get smarter! The technology in our network is going to disrupt the tech community in less than a year. It is estimated that by 2017 our network will be positioned to be a major platform and compete against traditional social networks and search engines.
IMYPATH was built from infancy to be the best Social Networking platform and solve complex problems that have caused major set backs in the social media community.
As problems were being solved behind the scenes our network has created the perfect atmosphere for the cautious user. It will become obvious to new users, the innovative capabilities introduced into the network when they ?rst log in and as they continue to navigate through the platform they
Let me further break down a unique selling point of our social network.
On our Social Network users can choose to follow people speci?cally by interest, rather than just because another user has followed them. In that way, IMYPATH has positioning itself as somewhere between traditional social networks and a search engine with a social platform.
For example a chance meeting in real life could be in many di?erent situations, environments, locations and or in a professional setting.
IMYPATH provides the connection or to be more speci?c the platforms in which the connections can be made. We connect people together through there interest. This means users can meet users in the very categories they are posting too or creating!
These types of interactions will occur naturally and simulate chance meetings in their every day life. Think of the many possibilities of communication with someone who just happens to like what you like , or someone in a category posting or talking about what you are interested in. For example an Art Student joins our network instead of just having a pro?le she can actively ?nd and engage with other Art Student, Art Professors , Art enthusiast etc.. their is many possible combinations. This Art Student has the ability to grow their supporters and networking and create the perfect atmosphere for this Art student.
Now having this type of access isn’t limited to just Art but everything that can be categorized. The Art Student can choose to engage with di?erent or multiple di?erent categories of interest from an unlimited amount of options. No other social network comes close to providing this unique capability as their platform are based on closed group networking which means someone has to search for you to ?nd you or have a following before they get to there network. Essentially users are bringinguser to their networks. IMYPATH does the opposite, our network brings people to the users. These people are people that the user wants to see or hear from.
In this way you can interact with people and build a following from our network. Our Network is perhaps closest to a Hybrid between Google & Multiple other Social Networks. It has so many unique features it is hard to describe with just one platform. For instance our network allows users to register unique names similar to the process for a domain name except on our network its free and will be exclusive to the user. This is in addition to the users pro?le.
It would take me days to describe every single feature of IMYPATH but you can simple see for your self!
IMYPATH is available via our website also via Apple App store and Android Play Store just type in IMYPATH to get started!