With the same features of a fully-functional keyboard app, Cipherboard brings a completely new approach to end-to-end encryption, without sending anything to the server and making sure that only the chosen recipient of the message will be able to decrypt it.
Up to date, most of the apps that we use share what we type, our contacts and our personal info with their own servers, and some even share them with advertisers and others. The human right to privacy seems to be ignored or not taken seriously, for we’re constantly sold services that claim to secure our privacy when, while we accept the terms and conditions, we’re giving up precisely what we’re being sold. Our privacy seems to never be something that we own but something that we must share to have the right to use certain commodities. Beside that, we’re sometimes under the risk of our information being stolen or used for malicious purposes once it leaves our smartphone. Not anymore.
Cipherboard has launched a new way of communicating that will assure security and confidenciality in your messages: real encrypted messages. Where some apps still deal with end-to-end encryption, Cipherboard goes beyond that, ensuring your messages, your information, and giving you the lead and control over your personal information.
Cipherboard is a keyboard application available for Apple and Android devices that can encrypt messages while keeping the characteristics of a regular keyboard (word prediction, effective auto-correct, great variety of emojis), but enhancing them to make it faster and more efficient without renouncing the end-to-end encryption. The decrypted message will only be read by the person you sent it to, if they have Cipherboard installed in their device. Despite Cipherboard working across all possible apps (as well as SMS and the web), the encrypted message will be decrypted and displayed in the app’s text field, to make sure that the content can’t be accessible to third persons or other apps. This makes the interface comfortable and malleable when using Cipherboard as a keyboard first, and then as an encrypter of your content.
That’s how it works: first, you add Cipherboard, choose it and allow it full access. When you’re ready to write a message, switch to encrypt mode by tapping on the lock that will appear on the upper left side of the keyboard. The next step is selecting the recipient, which may be from your default contacts list or Facebook (the screen will have switched colour to assure that the message and the connection are fully protected) and begin typing a message in normal mode, like any other keyboard. The sceen will remain black and the lock key will appear closed, showing that the message you’re typing is protected and being encrypted in the app’s text field, which will be how the recipient will obtain it. To decrypt one message, you just must copy the encrypted text and it will show up, already decrypted, on the Cipherboard app- with the black colour that denotes full protection.
The fact that our personal information, our very own privacy, can be exposed to servers, companies, media and other individuals with unclear intentions is a problem that has been put on the table these last years. Now, while the biggest communication apps are working on a better security for their users, we can also do something to improve and secure our privacy, in a very easy way.
Cipherboard takes your privacy as its utmost priority: it only has network access to the server once the user allows it himself. This is needed to fetch your contact, never to send input for server-side processing nor anything that would compromise your privacy. What you say through Cipherboard will belong to you and won’t reach other social apps.
Securing your privacy and everything related to it is a duty in these times of uncertainty and lack of security even in the web: the unfortunate events of ransomware this May have made patent how easy it is for those specialized in softwares to access your private files and use them against you by asking money from you (ransomware). The more secure you go, you incur in less risks. And Cipherboard can help you with that.