Are you on the lookout for an app that can handle all communication between the driver and the dispatcher? Look no further than Cab Treasure Mobile 2 app because it does exactly what it advertises. People using this app say good and positive things about its performance. It employs the latest technology to offer optimum results with utmost accuracy and efficiency. It’s a free app and you don’t need to pay for anything else.

Cab Treasure is a high-end, state of the art dispatch and booking system designed and developed by Eurosoft Tech Ltd. It is built using cutting-edge technology and feedback from well-known private hire companies to provide you with an all-inclusive solution.
Here’s what the team at Cab Treasure says about its app:
‘’Cab Treasure PDA software can be seamlessly linked to the Cab Treasure Booking and Dispatch System and these work together flawlessly to ensure your business runs smoothly and efficiently around the clock.’’
Features that make it stand out from the rest include but are not limited to: 24/7 Technical Support & Free Training, Available in Cloud, Desktop and Hyprid Versions, Comprehensive and Fully Automated Solution, Unlimited Driver App Downloads, Fully Scalable and Customizable Solution, Unlimited User Accounts, Free Regular Updates, Android and iPhone Driver Apps, API Integration with Third Party Functions and Features, Multicurrency Support, Global Solution with Multilanguage, and more.
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