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Client Billing is now Easy Thanks to the Aplka Punch App

As a freelancer do you find it difficult and time consuming to track the hours you are spending on tasks for your clients? Would you like to have a better understanding of how efficiently you are working? Then you have come to the right place. Keeping track of my billable hours was a real problem so I started using the Alpaka Punch app. It is the most helpful billing timer I tried, it is so straight forward and simple to use. You can track your time and edit the information. With the web version, you can assign a team to a job. All team members have the ability to add time to the assigned job and can have a clear picture of their effort in a single view.


Client Billing made easy:

This app would be a brilliant addition to any business who completes project work for clients and bills for the time spent on the project, for example, designers, architects, developers, legal professionals and accountants. The timer app enables the user to have a good understanding of his or her time usage or workflow. The most useful thing about this app is that it synchronises with the web version so you cant accidentally double bill your time. This can happen in any browser and the app is available for both android and IOS devices, so it really is very user friendly and accessible.


Time saving design:

Logging billable time is very quick and easy as the app enables you input information in less time. Reviewing, deleting or editing entries can be done anywhere. If you wish to review progress and time spent on projects by multiple participants, you can merge multiple timers in the web version, therefor giving you an overview of the total time spent.

Admin oversight for whole team timers, downloads as excel files, export to a calendar or timesheet are all additional features that make Alpaka Punch a wonderful, time saving tool.