Category «Smart Appliances»
What to Do If Your Garage Door Closes On Its Own

There’s nothing scarier than your garage door closing and locking on its own. You’re locked in and there’s no way to get out. This can be a dangerous situation, especially if you have pets or small children. If your garage door closes on its own, it’s important to take action as soon as possible. Don’t …
How Much Does it Cost to Install a Brand New Garage Door?

Your garage door is broken, and you’re looking to install a new one? If the repair cost of your broken garage door is 50% of the new garage door, we strongly suggest going with a garage door replacement, as it’s the best thing you can do regarding your garage door. On average, garage door installation …
Garage Door Safety Tips

As weird as it sounds, apparently garage door injures hundreds of people in a year. Some safety tips will help us to safeguard our family members from injuring themselves. Some safety tips every person should adopt to prevent their loved ones from hurting themselves are as follows. Safety Feature: This feature makes the garage door …
Garage Door Repair, Maintenance, Tune-Up And Installation Tips

The Automatic Garage Door is a lifesaver these days which people usually take for granted. This piece machinery is a workhorse which opens and closes hundreds of time. According to a survey report, in King City and Mount Angel, 50% of the burglaries are due to the broken and insecure garage door so it better to …