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Risk Management in the Free Electric Energy Market

The World Electric Sector has been undergoing profound changes in recent years. The strong entry of renewable generations into the energy matrix, due to de-carbonization targets, the digitalization of electrical systems and networks and the decentralization of electricity generation, has led to an empowerment of consumers regarding how to deal with the management of their demand, and, at the same time, they are bringing uncertainties to electric energy commercialization scenarios, with electric energy generators and marketers seeking hedge mechanisms for their positions in portfolios.

Risk Management Electric Energy Market

One of the central points of these transformations is that the commercialization of electric energy is rapidly becoming an environment with strong competition and several business opportunities, but at the same time it is requesting energy trading risk management (ETRM) tools and teams prepared to face the challenges of this new environment of uncertainty and high volatility in market prices.

Understanding the changes in this environment, as well as the evolution of ETRM solution mechanisms available in the market, are essential requirements to be able to participate in this new horizon that presents itself, and to be able to develop several differentiated products and services.

The objective of ETRM is mainly to address the changes that are taking place in the electricity trading environment. Inform the concepts of risks and aspects of risk management involving the market for electricity, as well as present the tools available on the market.

This service is aimed at various areas such as: engineering, law, economics, accounting, tax, and administration, commercial, financial and other sectors which work in the electricity sector, as well as free investors and consumers.

It is also involves to the analysis of documents and legal, regulatory standards and contracts in the electricity industry sector, law firms, consulting companies, public and private entities and organizations, particularly in the energy sector electric.